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Which RAID mode is best for my server?

9/15/2022Orla Power
Picking the correct RAID mode is important, especially as data carries a large value. Whether you need speed or redundancy, or both, you must pick the right RAID mode for your environment. There are other factors at play, such as read and write speeds, which we will discuss in the advantages and disadvantages below.

Which RAID configuration is correct for me?

8/22/2022Orla Power
With the number of drives available now and the amount of drive types, it’s hard to say which disk setup is optimal for you. Our RAID calculator is a great way to determine the size and amount of disks. Here we’ll talk through some of the pros and cons of some of the RAID modes.

RAID Mode Pros & Cons

8/9/2022Orla Power
There are many drive types and many RAID modes available on the market today. There are pros and cons to every RAID mode and there are also benefits to onboard RAID as well as a hardware RAID card. On our RAID calculator page we list out the pros and cons to each mode, which are also listed below:

Correct RAID card choice

7/20/2022Orla Power
Making the right RAID card choice can often depend on your server configuration and drive type(s) as well as OS support for your particular RAID card(s). 

New HighPoint RAID card provides 55,000MB/s for a single RAID array

7/11/2022Orla Power
HighPoint, a manufacturer of leading RAID controllers, has announced a new RAID card with extreme performance for a single RAID array. HighPoint 8-Port High-Port-Count (HPC) M.2 controllers deliver unbeatable performance and storage capacity in a compact PCIe device that can be easily integrated into any industry standard computing platform.

RAID Calculator and RAID design tips

7/5/2022Orla Power
There are lots of RAID calculators out there but some intuitive guidance is important when picking the right RAID mode for yourself. This can also depend on whether you are using hardware RAID or software RAID. 

RAID modes in 2022

6/23/2022Orla Power
Whether you’re looking to improve your disk I/O performance or provide yourself with disk redundancy, RAID cards are an easy way to make this work. Hardware RAID and software RAID are both options and depending on your use case, one may be better than the other.

RAID Updates in 2021

7/19/2021Marina Bashneva


Which RAID mode is best for my server?

9/15/2022Orla Power
Picking the correct RAID mode is important, especially as data carries a large value. Whether you need speed or redundancy, or both, you must pick the right RAID mode for your environment. There are other factors at play, such as read and write speeds, which we will discuss in the advantages and disadvantages below.

Which RAID configuration is correct for me?

8/22/2022Orla Power
With the number of drives available now and the amount of drive types, it’s hard to say which disk setup is optimal for you. Our RAID calculator is a great way to determine the size and amount of disks. Here we’ll talk through some of the pros and cons of some of the RAID modes.

RAID Mode Pros & Cons

8/9/2022Orla Power
There are many drive types and many RAID modes available on the market today. There are pros and cons to every RAID mode and there are also benefits to onboard RAID as well as a hardware RAID card. On our RAID calculator page we list out the pros and cons to each mode, which are also listed below:

Correct RAID card choice

7/20/2022Orla Power
Making the right RAID card choice can often depend on your server configuration and drive type(s) as well as OS support for your particular RAID card(s). 

New HighPoint RAID card provides 55,000MB/s for a single RAID array

7/11/2022Orla Power
HighPoint, a manufacturer of leading RAID controllers, has announced a new RAID card with extreme performance for a single RAID array. HighPoint 8-Port High-Port-Count (HPC) M.2 controllers deliver unbeatable performance and storage capacity in a compact PCIe device that can be easily integrated into any industry standard computing platform.

RAID Calculator and RAID design tips

7/5/2022Orla Power
There are lots of RAID calculators out there but some intuitive guidance is important when picking the right RAID mode for yourself. This can also depend on whether you are using hardware RAID or software RAID. 

RAID modes in 2022

6/23/2022Orla Power
Whether you’re looking to improve your disk I/O performance or provide yourself with disk redundancy, RAID cards are an easy way to make this work. Hardware RAID and software RAID are both options and depending on your use case, one may be better than the other.

RAID Updates in 2021

7/19/2021Marina Bashneva