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AMD Opteron 6200 vs Opteron 6100 Value

The AMD Opteron 6000 series continues marching forward with each new innovation building upon the capabilities and possibilities of the past. With the latest AMD Opteron 6200 processors now on the shelves, there is great hidden value to uncover. The highlight and the hype of the Opteron 6200 series has been mostly centered around the 16-core Interlagos, but there are some significant advantages in the 12-core options.

New Green Server Competitor Emerging?

There has been a decent amount of chatter on all the media channels over some of Facebook’s efforts to move forward with innovative technology. The other day I wrote about its new “green” European data center based in Sweden. In addition, at the recent Open Compute Project Summit, Facebook announced its intention to contribute to greater standardization at the system level for data center server and hardware equipment. For some, minimizing heat and energy consumption is as high a priority as performance.


AMD Opteron 6200 vs Opteron 6100 Value

The AMD Opteron 6000 series continues marching forward with each new innovation building upon the capabilities and possibilities of the past. With the latest AMD Opteron 6200 processors now on the shelves, there is great hidden value to uncover. The highlight and the hype of the Opteron 6200 series has been mostly centered around the 16-core Interlagos, but there are some significant advantages in the 12-core options.

New Green Server Competitor Emerging?

There has been a decent amount of chatter on all the media channels over some of Facebook’s efforts to move forward with innovative technology. The other day I wrote about its new “green” European data center based in Sweden. In addition, at the recent Open Compute Project Summit, Facebook announced its intention to contribute to greater standardization at the system level for data center server and hardware equipment. For some, minimizing heat and energy consumption is as high a priority as performance.